Do you know what it feels like tasting failure after failure? Do you have any idea what frustration is? I was fuming last week because i failed U-turn for the third fucking times. What do i need to do in order to pass the fucking U-turn? Do i have to dress in a tube for practical lesson in order to pass? Do i have to wear a skirt? Do i have to wear a pair of push-up bras? Do i have to apply Gucci perfume? Fuck dude! BBDC is damn bias. Girls can pass anything easily there. This bike practicals are wasting my time and money. I am left with 2 more practicals and here i am still stuck at practical 7.01, U-turn. 3 fucking times i tell you. Arrghhhh! I hate it when i fail. I do not know what God is up to. I think i have tasted failure too many times. I flopped my PSLE (could not get to BPGH or SJI), O Level (could not get to ACJC or SAJC) and i took A level twice. In addition to that, i was rejected by NUS and NTU last year. I am a loser at the field of love. No luck and love at all. Then, adding insult to injury, i am a mediocre at sports; be it rugby or soccer. Damn! Do you guys have any idea how i feel usually. Bitter! Disappointing! Full of angst! Why? Did i do some thing wrong? Are all those failures retribution for my sins? I seriously do not know. I still believe in God. Maybe things happen for some reasons. God knows best and i trust him. Right now, all i can do is to be patient. Patience is a virtue! But dang, i hate failures. One good thing about me is that i pick myself up and fight back. I love fighting dude! Pffft! Anyway, Financial Year 2006 is closing soon and suddenly i have a mountain of work to do in the office. Haha. I have 2 reports or returns to do and i have this stupid power point slide presentation to do. Damn! You guys will be surprised as to what i usually do in the office. Most of my works are supposed to done by specialists like accountant, data collector, event co-ordinator and human resource officer and yet, I, being a layman without any higher qualification or specialisation, have to do all those above-mentioned tasks. Haha. This is what you call 'legal modern epoch slavery'. Fuck! Office is a bore. However, i kept amusing myself by disturbing my colleague, Si Wei. Haha. He was scolded by AD today for lying.
AD: (calling Si Wei's hp) Where are you?
Si Wei: At the photocopier machine
Few seconds later...
AD: Where's Ahmad?
Si Wei: He's not with me
After smoking, Si Wei and I went down to the office.
AD: Eh, you don't have to lie to me. I was at the photocopier machine and i didn't see you. You were smoking upstairs and yet you told me that you were at the photocopier machine.
Haha. I really want to laugh. In fact, i was laughing my hearts out just now in the office.
Did you guys read last Sunday's The Newpaper? There was this article about a group of old people, small children and some aunties scrambling and fighting for free goods. They are typical Singaporeans. They are rude, stupid, ugly, cheapskate etc. Damn, why would you want to risk your life for free goods? Now that is stupid. Ahh, most Singaporeans are victims of Singapore's own success. Our education system is full of errors. Cleverer we became but our EQ fell and this trend will soon be followed by the next generations. In fact, i have seen the my prophecy. All becoming true and it seems so surreal. Kids nowadays are highly intelligent but their EQ is damn low. Hell, even their manners and moral are declining. Who to blame? Ask yourself. Enough said. Below are some pictures i took last week and i have also attached herein some videos. Haha. Enjoy!
W A R N I N G !
Please do not try anything that you see below at home. Enjoy the clip and leave the pain to my assistant and I. We are trained amatuer.
The Ankle Lock
This move was popularised by Kurt Angle. The higher you bring you opponent's ankle up, the more pain he will feel.
Figure-4 Leg Lock
This move was popularised by Ric "The Nature Boy" Flair. It is very painful if you have big legs and you are doing unto some one smaller than you. His knee cap will be sunken in.
The Triangle Hold
This move was popularised by both The Vader (now known as The Undertaker) and Ken Shamrock (the most dangerous man). Notice that i bring down the opponent with Aikido's wrist lock. To maximise pain, grip your non-choking leg as tight as possible. This hold can be mixed with another submission hold stimultaneously. An arm bar will go well with the triangle hold.

Dr Pepper. I have heard about this soft drink before but just now was my first time touching it. Haha. My boss bought this for me as he knows i am a cola fanatic. According to him, this cola has the most caffeine.

I was just trying Lay Hoon's bag. Sexy or not? Muahaha

Smoking is bad for your health! I have given up on quiting smoking. Too hard! Please help me. :(

This is a picture that i took at Ah Hood's Car Park which is near to NPPK. I was walking to the bus stop when i noticed this tree. I took a picture of it from below but this picture came with a cost. A Chinese aunty stared at me and i bet she thought that i was crazy.
Aight, take care!
dun bully your fellow colleague
Maybe you should try wearing a tube and a skrt?? Sine you already know you look ok with a lady's bag? Hehe
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