Only God Can Judge Me

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Yu Sheng Mai Ham (dedicated to Lee Hsien Loong)

Muahaha. Working in the office is damn boring. Especially if you are being bullied by the Senior Officers. I was doing my work half-way when suddenly this inspector asked a favour from me. She wanted me to do for her a poster that she will be sending to be printed on some panels for exhibition purposes. Can I say no to her request? Now that is a rhetorical question. Pfft! I completed the posters using Microsoft Words at around 6.30pm. I realise something. Women are really fussy and cumbersome. Tehee! Hey, do not get me wrong. I did the inspector's work with sincerity but it is just that i am caught in the middle. The SOs will say that i need to prioritise my works but how can i prioritise them when all are deemed URGENT. I can go mad man! Muahaha. Nah, it is okay because i will ORD soon. Damn. I failed my bike practical 6.01. Well, i did not expect to pass it anyway because it was my first time on the outside road. It was damn scary but i was travelling at 80km/h. At that breakneck speed, it was just adrenaline, the bike, death and I. Haha. I am still weak at Filter Lane and Lane Changing. Have to work hard man to improve on my weaknesses. Eh, did you hear something? Did you? A Phantom is waiting for me..LAME! Haha. Anyway, my Chinese friends out there, can you guys please help me? I am in two minds. I do not know whether to buy a normal Yu Sheng or Yu Sheng with abalones for my department's in-service cum Chinese New Year celebration. Which one do i purchase? Ergghhh! Haha. Oh yeah, the OTO Message Chair that my department ordered has arrived today. That 'magical chair' cost us $2000 ++ and it (the price of the chair) is almost the same as my dad's monthly salary. So this is what the SPF normally do with the Tax Payers' money. Oops, did i leak a secret out? Gosh, my apology. Aiyah, there are a lot of things that the SPF are wasting and one of them is paper. My AD is one of the chief culprits. Dang! Haha. Do not worry because i will be out of yet another government agency. So one last time, a normal Yu Sheng or Yu Sheng with abalones or do you guys prefer Yu Sheng with cockles? Haha. LHL is dumb! Haha.


Blogger TYH said...

yu sheng with tonnes of sashimi.. phew.. GODLIKE

9:39 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

People should read this.

7:44 am  

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