Wo De Ming Zi Shi Ahmad Fathi
I really enjoyed the holidays. Marvellous. I did nothing from the 14th February until 16th February. I bummed around at home doing nothing but resting. Haha. On the 17th February, my aunties and cousins organised a chalet session at Down Town East Costa Sand and it was fun. My parents and I reached that place at around 11.30am. Right after we reached there, my uncle and aunt wanted to go fishing at the Pasir Ris beach. I was on two minds. Do i join them or do i stay at the chalet? I decided to join them. I have very little knowledge of fishing but my uncle taught me a lot. I learned how to cast properly and even know how to set the bait on the hook. Quite interesting. We started fishing at around 12 noon and finished our fishing session at around 6pm. We did it under the swealtering heat and my skin got sun-burned. I am still suffering now. Haha. I caught two fishes. Not bad huh for a beginner? After fishing, i went swimming with my cousins, niece and nephew. Haha. Both my niece and nephew were damn cute. The little girl did not want to leave the pool and i have to take care of her after her mom left. She was shivering due to the coldness but she still did not want to leave. Damn cute. After swimming, we went to fill our stomach. My stomach wanted to burst because of all those barbequed food. Wan and I went to the McDonald's to smoke before we went to the toilet to drop bombs. Haha. My uncle and cousins were making a lot of noise about my bike practical and my mom got to know about it. Dang! Haha. I told her the whole story in the car and guess what? She did not prohibit me from taking the bike license. Phew! At last! Haha. Keeping the truth is easy but telling the truth is never easy. But i did not lie! I just did not tell her anything. I feel guilty though! Haha. Sunday was damn boring. Did not do anything. I just rot at home. I did nothing too on Monday and Tuesday. However, i managed to do some reading. I found out that the Malays are descendants of the Chinese. I wanted to do some reading about my own race because a friend of mine once told me that our legendary heroes, Hang Tuah and company, have Chinese lineage. Thus, i did some reading. Below are some excerpts from websites that i read:
Origin of the Malays
The Malays originated in Yunnan, China. They Proto-Malays were also known as Jakun. They were seafaring people. Probably because of their seafaring way of life or trading, they were believed to have lived in coastal Borneo. They then expanded into Sumatra and the Malay Peninsula. A Portuguese historian, Godinho de Eredia, referred to the Malays as Saletes (Orang Selat, or People of the Straits).
The Malays played a major part in the Making of great Malay empires of Malacca and Johor. Present day Malays of the Peninsula and the coasts of the Malay Archipelago are described anthropologically as deutero-Malays. They are descendants of the tribal proto-Malays mixed with modern Indian, Thai, Arab and Chinese blood.
taken from: http://library.thinkquest.org/C001252F/intro/history/origins_of_the_malays.htm
The Malay people believed to have originated in Borneo and then expanded outwards into Sumatra then later into the Malay peninsula. These people were descendants of Austronesian-speakers who migrated from the Philippines and originally from Taiwan. The main foundation of this school of thought lies in the fact that the oldest Malay settlements have been discovered in Sumatra and not in the Malay peninsula. This suggests an upward - south to north - migratory route.
taken from:
History Of Taiwan
Taiwan's origins: The Proto-Malays, belonging to the South Paleo-Mongoloid racial group, lived on Taiwan 5,000 years ago during the Neolithic Ages and Alluvial Epoch. These aborigines were the forerunners in Taiwan's dawning era. Some of them were mixed with immigrants from southeastern coast of China (the Han people) through intermarriage. Others were driven into the mountain areas. In 1557 Portuguese sailors reached Taiwan and named it "Ilha Formosa" (=beautiful island). During the past 400 years, the history of Taiwan has mainly concerned Taiwan's Han people. But the aborigines of today are an integral part of the Taiwanese Nation.
taken from:
Quite interesting huh? Knowledge is power! Then of all things, channel Suria broadcasted the movie, Gubra, on television. The first sequel, Sepet, was also interesting. Both movies basically tell us that love knows no boundary and love knows no races. The lady is a malay and the guy is a chinese and yet both of them fall in love. Love is universal i tell you. It is really beautiful and ubiquitous. It is a gift from God. The second movie, Gubra, has this caption: The Lamps Might Not Be The Same But The Light Is. Think about that caption. Huh, life is beautiful is tell you.
Below are some pictures i took during my fishing session. Tehee!

My alternative career; Fisherman

My first catch

Eh? What's this carebear doing here? That's me! Hoho!
Aight, take care y'all!
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