Only God Can Judge Me

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Due To The Ink, The Milk Turns Bad

Islamphobia. Racism. Fascism. Bias. What are all these non-sense? Why are they happening in this world? How can we say that we are civilised when we are still racists and we prejudise others? Simply put, some of us are ignorant. I have been reading more and more articles about Muslims being marginalised and ridiculed and even being treated in a bad manner, especially in Australia. First and foremost, white Aussies aren't actually the original people there. They are sons and daughters of crooks, rapists, killers, butchers and scums. Worst still, they have English roots. The migrant Muslims have been in Australia for 200 years and they earned their tickets to Australia just like the Chinese, the Vietnamese and the Indians. Unlike the Australian Muslims and other Asian minorities in Australia, the whites are being dumped in Australia. So what is so special about white Aussies? Hell, they think they are superior than others. When you wed a crook with a crook, you will get crooks for sons and daughters. I am not talking about all the whites in Australia but most Aussies are racists. Besides that, the Australian national rugby team sucks too! Haha. Basically, they are ignorant. If you want to criticise or marginalise someone, be in their shoes first. Learn about them. Understand them. By the way, who are you to judge others? Only God can judge. What i am trying to say is this, we should just live peacefully with others. Be humble. There is of no use to be too proud and arrogant of your race or the colour of your skin because we are all humans. Would not it be nice if there is peace? Anyway, not all Muslims are terrorists. There's a saying in Malay, 'because of the ink, the milk turns bad.' Islam is a religion of peace. It is the irresponsible acts of a minority that tarnish the image of Islam. I am speaking on behalf of all religions. No religion is bad. If a religion is bad, then it is called 'a cult'. Damn, i feel like slapping the faces of those ignorant bastards! And oh, don't you Singaporeans think that there are no racists here. It is just that most racists in Singapore are passive. Open your eyes and take a look around and then you will know what i am talking about. Blame this on The System. A device that they build to eradicate Racism is a myth. It is just a political tool. We are dumb to not see the failure in our society. Take a look around. NKF saga. Sueing oppositions. No freedom of speech and etc. By the way, can you name me a country which has a Minister Mentor? Hahaha...Not even the comical Malaysia has a minister mentor. Youchh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

wah your very pro sg govt ah. good good..

12:06 pm  
Blogger kingcrippler said...

haha...i think you didn't understand my see, i am not pro-government or anti-government..i'm just anti-PAP..there are differences between PAP and the Government..haha

11:50 am  

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