Only God Can Judge Me

Saturday, July 22, 2006

People = Shit

The band,Slipknot, has a point. People really equals shit, well for some. I really can't understand some people. I promise i won't mention any names in this entry. I went for an exercise another night with my boss and we were in this TAV (Tactical Assault Vehicle) with couple of other officers. Our mission was simple. Box in the rioters and snatch-arrest them. My boss was the commander for that exercise and he commanded from the TAV. The exercise ended relatively early because the tactic used was effective. However, what people didn't see, i'm so glad they didn't, was that there was a riot in our TAV itself. The situation in the TAV seemed like there wasn't any leader in it. The so called leader looked like Darth Vader, hahahaha, and most of his command was muffled by noise made by other leader wannabes. This particular officer really needs a slap in the face. Even the marshal that was sitting in our TAV shook her head in shock. He was busy telling people, especially boss, what to do like as if he was the honcho. He was obviously sucking up to the boss. I didn't understand him. He still have the cheek to 'carry balls' even amidst the exercise. Some people really do not know when not to 'carry balls'. I felt like puking seeing his stupid actions in the TAV. So disgusting! Sigh. Can't he just leave the boss to lead? Why did he have to be a busybody? Does he know that too many cooks spoil the broth? Never mind! I can't understand some Singaporeans too. They are damn idiotic. Just look the road in the morning especially on the expressway. Just because of a minor incident, say a vehicle breakdown, some drivers would slow down to take a look at what is happening. This creates massive traffic jam especially during rush hour. Sigh. Then there's Israel. I just tuned in to CNA and there was a report stating that the Zionist were gearing up and mustering soldiers to invade Lebanon. I don't really understand the Zionists. They are really asking for troubles. Oh boy! They are in deep shit. This proves that people really equals shit. Long live Slipknot!


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