Only God Can Judge Me

Friday, October 15, 2004


Muahaha.Today is the first day of Ramadhan and i didn't even shed a sweat.Haha.I didn't feel hungry at all.Well,i went to prayer with Harun and Sadiq.After the prayer,we went to the nearby coffee shop to talk shit.We talked about everything and we were making a lot of noise too.Haha.Sadiq's funny especially the 'execuse me' part.Hahaha.Well,i was pissed with Aidil today.He poked my stomach with a mechanical pencil and who wouldn't be pissed off?It was painful.Well,that's that and i'm not the type of person who loves to keep grudge.I'm forgiving.Hmm...i observed that a couple of my friends have already given up on their A level.Well,that struck me and i seldom question myself. Why do i have to study when in the end,it doesn't even matter because we'll be dead eventually.Hmm...but i've always rebutt my notion with a thinking that i, as a muslim and a samaritan of my country,should serve the country and my religion at the end of my education.Education,thus,is the only answer to this.Hmm...God is right.Education is just not about making money.Education is also not just about learning but about unlearning too.Education and knowledge are life long learning.Without education,we're nothing but i really hate Singapore's rigid education system.Yeah,the shitty politicians may say that they have renewed our education system and we have always claimed that Singapore's education system is the best.Well,fuck it.Our education system disregard late bloomers.In this rat race,only the fastest will survive and they will survive well.It's true that they can say that even ITE students can survive but define 'survive' surviving about living your life in a stressed up place?Is survival suppose to be painful?Hmmm...i don't wanna talk much about the education system here because i could be sued.Singapore is a paradox.The only liberty here is 'controlled liberty'. Adios! No offence to the Govt.


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